How "un-sexy" can a novel be? Review of "The disappearence of Catherine Brodie"

Scanning NetGalley for new novels to read and review I noticed one with a beautiful cover. NetGalley qualified it as erotica but as my 18th birthday passed over 30 years ago that should not be a problem and the description sounded interesting: a young law student lies to her parents to attend a party and her parents and brother die as a result of that (it seemed). Every birthday after that she meets Alex somehow. And it is obvious people mean her harm.

To my surprise the book seemed to be a coming of age story for young adults. Well at least for 70% into the story. Then all of a sudden things like groupsex and kinkclubs it is. And that does not seem suitable for the young readers.

It is an accomplishment in itself to write sexscenes that are so unerotic. If you want to write about stuff like that why stop in the middle of things? How old is the author?

What irritated me from the start was the kind of "voice over"- style of telling a story. It felt like a summary of someone's biography.

It also did not help that all of a sudden the book ended and people are supposed to buy a part two.

Not a fan!


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