The Orphan in the Peacock Shawl by AnneMarie Brear Pub Date: 27 Jan 2022 - review

It is an idyllic life she lives with her adoptive mother in a cosy cottage in a village on the Yorkshire countryside. She and her mother sell herbs and potions and her mother is the local healer/midwife. But that life gets a lot heavier and she ends up in the slums.

The book is a good read and pictures Victorian life. The romance part is a bit "fast" and I am not sure if it is realistic in a society that was highly regulated. On the other hand it is clear he does not care about all of that and is a younger son.

4 stars out of 5





The Orphan in the Peacock Shawl by AnneMarie Brear Pub Date: 27 Jan 2022


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