A new take on an old and famous fairytale: Beauty and the Beast in Victorian England - "Price of a Rose" by Byrd Nash
Sir Griffin is cursed and now looks like a beast and cannot leave his estate One night he catches a man trying to steal a rosebush. He invites him in and over a cardgame the man gambles away a daughter. Upon returning home his eldest daughter sets off to straighten things with the nobleman but ends up being hired as a housekeeper. Before the grumpy beast blinks his eyes both sisters invade his estate too.
The author aims to retell a famous faitytale in a novella fit for 12 years and older. It is a simple, very humorous tale with a hint of romance but no graphic details. And it is not following the Disney version so enough surprises. Like the toll the curse had on animals.
Of course the bottom-line of the original fairytale and also this adaption is that love makes the adored look not ugly anymore. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder isn't it.
Well written. 4 stars
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